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MNC Factory (Indoor purposes)

Benefits: LED display solutions can increase employee engagement, help strengthen corporate culture and boost employee management. These can be achieved by highlighting employee contributions and milestones, personalised content such as daily mission, goals, quotes or a simple “good morning” or “happy working”. Unify or amalgamate the organisation by streamlining daily news and updates on every floor. 

Audience grouping: Employees, business organisation 

Suggested services:

digital signage and video wall example for MNC Factory (indoor) application

Cinema & Theatres

Benefits: LED display solutions can significantly improve the cinema experience for the audience. It helps theatres’ communication systems to be more effective, allowing customers and staff to keep track of seating, screen time, movies to watch, etc. Options available for businesses seeking an alternative to conventional projectors (indoor/outdoor). 

Audience grouping: Staff, frequent moviegoers 

Suggested services: 


digital signage and display application example for cinema and there industry showcasing upcoming movie

Shopping Malls

Benefits: LED display solutions help customers navigate their way in shopping malls and retail shops to promote their business or display promotions, events and discounts. Aside from marketing, relevant information such as COVID-19 restrictions and SOPs can also easily be conveyed to the general public.

Audience grouping: Retailers, avid shoppers, fashion and tech fanatics, brands

Suggested services: 


digital signage and display application for shopping mall for a shoe brand promotion


Benefits: LED display solutions keep passengers attuned by updating the departure time and emergency messages using video walls or indoor/outdoor digital signage. Media players in public transportation ensure passengers are entertained during stressful rush hours. Hyperlocal/proximity marketing to create brand awareness.

Audience grouping: Passengers, brand, passers-by

Suggested services: 

digital signage example for transportation industry


Benefits: Digital displays in the hospitality industry dramatically improve guests’ perceptions. Aside from having the freedom to display services and promotional agendas, digital display solutions can provide standardised awareness or marketing campaigns to suit business needs. The ability to effectively communicate updates and information creates trust between customers and clients.

Audience grouping:  Hotels, resorts, restaurants, guests

Suggested services: 

digital signage and digital display example of application for the hospitality industry with call to action texts

Place Of Worship

Benefits: LED display solutions in places of worship are an effective way to communicate upcoming sermons, prayers, or rituals. It could also display dates, beneficial for religions that utilise their own calendar. Preachers could also refer to digital displays to keep track of themes, manifestos, etc.  It enhances clarity by providing impressive graphics, readability, and speed.

Audience grouping: Members and visitors, event organiser

Suggested services: 

digital signage and digital display application for place of worship showing an upcoming event

Restaurants & Cafes

Benefits: The versatility of digital display solutions for restaurants and cafes allows for myriad usages. For restaurants and cafes that want to be more business-centric, digital displays can display brand messages, value buys, top picks of the day, menu sets, deals and promos, highlight staff, drive-through menus, etc. 

Audience grouping: Customers, cafe hoppers, tourists

Suggested services: 


digital signage & display application for restaurant and cafe promoting menu

Sports & Recreational

Benefits: LED display solutions in large crowded areas such as sports and recreational areas promise visibility to ensure that everyone can get a glimpse of real-time events. It can also streamline countdown and campaigns for a thrilling experience for attendees. It is instrumental in ensuring audiences are updated with the latest scoring and winning parties. Keeping them engaged as a result.

Audience grouping: Sports audiences, athletes, sponsors, event organiser

Suggested services: 

digital signage and display (massive automation display) application for sports and recreational industry

Medical Services

Benefits: Digital display solutions in the medical services sector are helpful to assist patients by broadcasting news, updates, guidelines, queueing numbers/turns, and assuring first-timers by emphasising pain points in display signages. It also benefits the organisation by displaying the doctor’s profile, patient’s story,  promotional messages, public recognition and health events.

Audience grouping: Patients, doctors, guests, 

Suggested services: 

digital display and digital signage application example for the medical industry